Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Chiquita Banana Brand Refresh

design:related posted a great interview with the Chiquita banana brand refresh art director, DJ Neff. Both Matt Sung of design:related and DJ are fellow University of Florida graphic design classmates. So proud of  them.

Here is an interesting q/a from the post about branding:
Matt: So, what is “brand equity”, and what makes it significant not only for Chiquita but also for other brands out there?
DJ: I like to talk about brand equity in what I do because I feel like it is the most important starting point to rebranding any business. I think brand equity is a pretty simple notion: unique value. Sometimes it’s an easy to see value, like the Chiquita stickers, or sometimes it can be harder to recognize, like an old forgotten tagline that was abandoned because of changing fads. This is where my job gets fun, in discovering unique traits a brand has to build on, even if they may be lost in the marketing shuffle over the years.